Orion Star Project Pack - $15.99
![thangles orion Star quilt](https://i0.wp.com/thangles.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/01/72orionstar.jpg?fit=372%2C500&ssl=1)
This queen sized quilt (80″ x 96″) is made with one simple block.
This striking quilt looks just classic Hunter’s Star block. But, it is much easier to make because Thangles eliminate the need to do complicated Y seams. All you do is make HSTs with Thangles and piece the simple block. When the blocks are put together, the Hunter’s Star block is revealed.
The Orion Star project pact contains the pattern and all the Thangles needed to make this queen sized quilt.
Below you can see some Orion Star quilts made in different colorways. This classic pattern is gorgeous in any fabric.