Project Linus

15 September 2008
I am happy to make our first Project Linus pattern, MB’s Linus Split Star available for download here on our website. Click on the links below to download a PDF of the pattern.
I am honored to know National President Carol Babbitt and Vice President Mary Balagna. Carol and Mary donate their time to run this incredible national organization. They cheerfully lead the making and distribution of millions of quilts to children in need. They are
inspiring examples of women making a difference in our world.
Sometimes we do quick and easy for “charity” quilts. These quilts are going to make a lasting impression for someone, lets do something special. Immerse yourself in happiness when you work on a Project Linus quilt. The time spent is good for you and the recipient.
I like to learn new things as I make a quilt. For this quilt, I teach you a very basic technique that I call “spinning the four patch.” You make lots of four patch blocks for the quilt, so you will be an expert at “spinning the four patch” when you are done. Spinning gives a very
flat intersection at the center of the block. Also, if you follow the technique carefully, when you sew your blocks together, the seams will oppose perfectly. You can go on to use this basic technique in many of your quilts.
This pattern is meant to be used to make Project Linus quilts. If you wish to use this pattern for your our personal use, we ask you to first make one of these quilts for the Project Linus. If you are unable to do that, please make a donation to Project Linus before you use the pattern for personal use. Click on this link to do so online or send a check to:
Project Linus National Headquarters
PO Box 5621
Bloomington IL 61702-5621
Thank you so much for participating in this project.
MB Hayes
Click here to download the first page of the pattern